Liz's Vintage Silver Flatware Online Shop SPECIAL OFFER
EMBOSSED 1882 Pears Pattern, by 1847 Rogers
Steak Carving Knife, Fork, Sharpening Rod
Pears and Leaves, Silver Plated Solid Handles
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EMBOSSED 1882 by 1847 Rogers
3 pieces Steak Carving Set
Knife 14 3/8" Fork 10 1/4" Sharpening Rod 13"

Solid metal handles with embossed (raised) pears and leaves design.
Fork with movable guard
Steel blade stamped 1847 ROGERS BROS.
This set was made anywhere from the year 1882 until production ceased in the early part of the 20th century.
It is part of the multi-motif floral pattern series EMBOSSED by Rogers Bros. considered rare in today's market.
*The steel blade has garnered some scratches within the past 130 years or so but is still very sharp. Reg. $75.00.
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