Tiaras and Crowns

Presented by Liz Collectible Jewelry

An Online Worldwide Shopping Site

Tiaras, crowns, diadems fascinate us. They represented status, name, and wealth in the traditional cultures. What one wore on one's head told the world who one were, no other introduction needed.

In today's Western societies, devoid of many tried and true status symbols, the tiaras and crowns remind us of history, the way things were way back when.

They are symbols in our dreams, of whom we would have liked to be, and perhaps were--in another life.

When to wear a tiara?

Any time!

As in ancient times, people who see you in a tiara or crown cannot help wondering who you are, where you have been, or where you are going.

If you like to keep them guessing, try one on for effect.


Snow White
Not a tiara but a small crown suitable for a little princess or a new bride. 1 3/4" high, seven points. 3" diameter, two-prong barette at center for securing to hair, two round loops for optional elastic or ribbon. Goldplated base, clear rhinestones. One crown point's top accent part has been professionally replaced, only noticeable upon close inspection of its back. Price reflects restored condition: $65.


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