Table/Dinner Knife Nr 1 Bolster Handle Blunt Steel Blade Maker's Mark: L.F. STÅHLBERG & Co. ESKILSTUNA 10 1/4" = 260 mm *$9.00
Available: 0 pieces
*Minor imperfections. Reg. $12.00. This style is approx. 100 years old and discontinued.
 Table/Dinner Knife Nr 2 Bolster Handle Blunt Steel Blade Maker's Mark: N.S.F. AURORA GÖTEBORG 10 1/8" = 257 mm *$9.00
Available: 0 pieces
*Minor imperfections. Reg. $12.00. This style is approx. 100 years old and discontinued. |
 Table/Dinner Fork Nr 1 8", 8 1/16" = 205 mm $10.00
Available: 0 pieces
This style is made today in Sweden. Compare price for new. Exchange Rate: $SEK 9.56 = US $1.00.
 Table/Dinner Fork 1-M Back Script: A.C. 8 1/8" = 205 mm *$7.00
Available: 6 pieces
*Minor imperfections and script A.C. on backs. Reg. $10.00.